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interface GuildScheduledEventInviteURLCreateOptions

export interface GuildScheduledEventInviteURLCreateOptions extends InviteCreateOptions

Options used to create an invite URL to a GuildScheduledEvent

The channel to create the invite in. This is required when the entityType of GuildScheduledEvent is GuildScheduledEventEntityType, gets ignored otherwise

maxAge? : number

How long the invite should last (in seconds, 0 for forever)

Inherited from: InviteCreateOptions

maxUses? : number

Maximum number of uses

Inherited from: InviteCreateOptions

reason? : string

The reason for creating the invite

Inherited from: InviteCreateOptions

targetApplication? : ApplicationResolvable

The embedded application to open for this invite, required if targetType is InviteTargetType, the application must have the InviteTargetType flag

Inherited from: InviteCreateOptions

targetType? : InviteTargetType

The type of the target for this voice channel invite

Inherited from: InviteCreateOptions

targetUser? : UserResolvable

The user whose stream to display for this invite, required if targetType is InviteTargetType, the user must be streaming in the channel

Inherited from: InviteCreateOptions

temporary? : boolean

Whether members that joined via the invite should be automatically kicked after 24 hours if they have not yet received a role

Inherited from: InviteCreateOptions

unique? : boolean

Create a unique invite, or use an existing one with similar settings

Inherited from: InviteCreateOptions